On Fri, Jul 29, 2005 at 09:06:48AM -0400, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > What I'm looking for is ideas about more things it could do that would
> > be useful for most testing libraries.  What scaffolding do module authors 
> > find themselves implementing? 
> if there were a better way to do this:
>   push @ISA, qw(Test::Harness::Straps);
>   $Test::Harness::Strap = __PACKAGE__->new;
>   $Test::Harness::Strap->{callback} = sub { ... };
> it would be awesome.

*sigh*  Test::Builder and Test::Harness are completely different beasties.
One is used to make test programs and one is used to run test programs and
parse the output.

That said, making the above a whole lot easier is planned.

Michael G Schwern     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.pobox.com/~schwern
Don't try the paranormal until you know what's normal.
        -- "Lords and Ladies" by Terry Prachett

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