    ~Str;                        # "<class>"? "Str"? 
    ~::Str;                      # "<class>"? "Str"? 
    ~Str.meta;                   # "<class>"? (fill in please)? 
    ~::Str.meta;                 #  "<class>"? (fill in please)? 
    +Str; +::Str; 
    +Str.meta; +::Str.meta;      # all errors? 
    ?Str; ?::Str; 
    ?Str.meta; ?::Str.meta;      # all true? 
    Str =:= ::Str;               # true? 
    "some string".ref =:= Str;   # true? 
    Str.ref;                     # (fill in please) 
    ::Str.ref;                   # (fill in please) 
    Str.meta.ref;                # (fill in please) 
    ::Str.meta.ref;              # (fill in please) 
    Str.ref.ref;                 # (fill in please) 
    ::Str.ref.ref;               # (fill in please) 
Linux, the choice of a GNU | "The future is here. It's just not widely 
generation on a dual AMD   | distributed yet."  -- William Gibson   
Athlon!                    |  

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