On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 10:07:20AM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
> Michael G Schwern wrote:
> >* Private docs (=begin/end private) allow you to document private and 
> >public
> >  functions using the same style.
> Ooh, I didn't know about that!  What revision of perl (or rather, 
> perldoc) did that appear in?  I think I'll stick to #comments though - 
> less typing!

It's been there forever (well... ish). The =begin and =end (and =for)
commands are for embedding markup that it processed by a specialised
parser. For example a section of pod marked "=for html" would only be
processed by a pod parser that recognises html (like, probably,
pod2html). By using a format name that no pod processor recognises (like
'private') then you're add pod that will never be processed[1].

See also the use of "=begin comment" and "=end comment" to simulate
multi-line comments.

Also see also "perlpod" for the gory details.


[1] Although, of course, you're stuffed if someone suddenly invents a
    pod processor that processes the 'private' format :)

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  But still they come

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