Much better on OS X now!


Failed Test              Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
t/dynclass/pyclass.t        1   256     6    1  16.67%  6
t/dynclass/pyfunc.t         1   256     4    1  25.00%  4
t/library/dumper.t          1   256    26    1   3.85%  6
t/library/getopt_long.t     1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/library/md5.t             2   512     6    2  33.33%  5-6
t/library/streams.t        12  3072    20   12  60.00%  9-20
t/native_pbc/integer.t      1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/native_pbc/number.t       1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/op/debuginfo.t            1   256     8    1  12.50%  7
t/op/gc.t                  12  3072    19   12  63.16%  1 3-4 9-12 15-19
t/op/interp.t               1   256    11    1   9.09%  9
t/op/spawnw.t               1   256     7    1  14.29%  7
t/op/stacks.t               2   512    56    2   3.57%  6 24
t/op/string.t 16 4096 156 16 10.26% 100 111 122-134 136
t/p6rules/anchors.t        26  6656    26   26 100.00%  1-26
t/p6rules/backtrack.t      15  3840    15   15 100.00%  1-15
t/p6rules/builtins.t       41 10496    41   41 100.00%  1-41
t/p6rules/capture.t        38  9728    38   38 100.00%  1-38
t/p6rules/cclass.t         18  4608    18   18 100.00%  1-18
t/p6rules/escape.t         19  4864    19   19 100.00%  1-19
t/p6rules/subrules.t        5  1280     5    5 100.00%  1-5
t/p6rules/ws.t             19  4864    19   19 100.00%  1-19
t/pmc/eval.t                3   768    14    3  21.43%  12-14
t/pmc/fixedstringarray.t    1   256    13    1   7.69%  13
t/pmc/freeze.t 23 5888 26 23 88.46% 1-4 6-16 18-19 21-26
t/pmc/hash.t                2   512    36    2   5.56%  9 28
t/pmc/io.t                  3   768    31    3   9.68%  3 23 31
t/pmc/objects.t             1   256    62    1   1.61%  13
t/pmc/perlhash.t            1   256    37    1   2.70%  27
t/pmc/perlstring.t         10  2560    68   10  14.71%  49-58
t/pmc/string.t             10  2560    35   10  28.57%  17-26
t/pmc/sub.t                 1   256    51    1   1.96%  24
t/pmc/sys.t                 1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/pmc/timer.t               2   512     8    2  25.00%  6-7
t/src/hash.t                1   256    10    1  10.00%  6
t/src/sprintf.t             1   256     3    1  33.33%  3
3 tests and 70 subtests skipped.
Failed 36/163 test scripts, 77.91% okay. 294/2719 subtests failed, 89.19% okay.

partcl, however, was most displeased:

Failed Test           Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
t/cmd_append.t           8  2048     8    8 100.00%  1-8
t/cmd_array.t           13  3328    13   13 100.00%  1-13
t/cmd_break.t            2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
t/cmd_catch.t            8  2048     9    8  88.89%  2-9
t/cmd_concat.t           6  1536     6    6 100.00%  1-6
t/cmd_continue.t         2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
t/cmd_error.t            1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/cmd_eval.t             1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/cmd_exit.t             1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/cmd_expr.t            40 10240    43   40  93.02%  1-40
t/cmd_for.t              1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/cmd_foreach.t          9  2304     9    9 100.00%  1-9
t/cmd_format.t           1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/cmd_global.t           3   768     3    3 100.00%  1-3
t/cmd_if.t               8  2048     9    8  88.89%  1-7 9
t/cmd_incr.t             5  1280     5    5 100.00%  1-5
t/cmd_inline.t           3   768     3    3 100.00%  1-3
t/cmd_join.t             7  1792     7    7 100.00%  1-7
t/cmd_lappend.t          4  1024     4    4 100.00%  1-4
t/cmd_lindex.t           3   768     3    3 100.00%  1-3
t/cmd_linsert.t          4  1024     5    4  80.00%  1 3-5
t/cmd_list.t            15  3840    15   15 100.00%  1-15
t/cmd_llength.t          5  1280     5    5 100.00%  1-5
t/cmd_lrepeat.t          4  1024     4    4 100.00%  1-4
t/cmd_proc.t             3   768     4    3  75.00%  1-3
t/cmd_puts.t             2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
t/cmd_rename.t           2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
t/cmd_return.t           1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/cmd_set.t              4  1024     4    4 100.00%  1-4
t/cmd_source.t           1   256     2    1  50.00%  2
t/cmd_string.t          32  8192    37   32  86.49%  1-14 17-32 36-37
t/cmd_unset.t            2   512     3    2  66.67%  1 3
t/cmd_while.t            1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/tcl_backslash.t       14  3584    16   14  87.50%  1-11 13 15-16
t/tcl_command_subst.t    9  2304    10    9  90.00%  1-9
t/tcl_misc.t            11  2816    12   11  91.67%  1-11
t/tcl_pir_compiler.t     2   512     3    2  66.67%  1-2
t/tcl_var_subst.t        8  2048     8    8 100.00%  1-8
Failed 38/39 test scripts, 2.56% okay. 246/266 subtests failed, 7.52% okay.

However, most of these seemed to involve an error like:

../../../parrot --gc-debug  ../tcl.pbc hello.tcl
src/gc_gmc.c:1670: failed assertion `!Gmc_PMC_hdr_get_PMC(orig)'

so I'm hoping it's mostly a single root cause.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 8:32 PM, Nattfodd wrote:


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