Chromatic wrote:
On Fri, 2005-09-09 at 22:28 +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:

For search results quite the opposite. I'd really like if if the default
way people got search results back for CPAN modules at least attempted
to order at some level based on citations. (ie number of pre-requisites)


If somebody wanted to do a dependency scoring for each dist, there's enough data there already. I don't have time but...

1. Take the CPANTS information "dists that depend on this dist"

2. Create a Algorithm::Dependency::Source object, and load in the graph data to build those into Algorithm::Dependency::Items in the ::Source.

3. Create an Algorithm::Dependency object using the ::Source object.

4. Run $alg_dep->schedule('dist-name') for each dists, and get the scalar of it to determine the dist's "importance".

Attach those importance scores to search.cpan somewhere... and at least the data is there now :)

It's not fully optimized, but the code works already and it shouldn't take more than 30 or 40 lines of code to implement.

Anyone interested? Go for it!

Adam K

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