Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
* "Christopher H. Laco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-09-15T08:23:57]

Would this look for Change OR ChangeLog?
Both seem to be popular on CPAN.

...and some modules have a HISTORY or CHANGES section of POD, and DBI
has DBI::Changes.

As long as you use a recent ExtUtils::MakeMaker or Module::Build it's very hard to get *below* about 2 off the maximum. Kwalitee tests for things that are easy to test, rather than testing for things that are worth going after.

As I was downloading the newest version of Devel::Cover this morning, I pondered on the concept of 1 Kwalitee point for coverage >= 80%, and another for 100%, and how absolutely impossible it would be to set out to establish these points for all the modules on CPAN. But it would be Good.


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