Stuart Cook wrote:

>On 10/10/05, Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The overrides have nothing to do with it.  That a=>1 will *always* be a 
>positional, because by the time it reaches the argument list, it's a value 
>(not a syntactic form).  The only way to use a pair-value as a named argument 
>is to splat it directly, or splat a hash or arg-list-object containing it.  
>Splatting an array *never* introduces named arguments, only positionals.

That seems like a huge error. Arrays are the only thing (that I know of)
that can store the positional part of an arglist as well as storing the
pairs. If there's not some mechanism for getting the entire arglist, and
if there's not some simple inversion of that simple mechanism for
passing the args along to some other victim, then ... well ... I don't
know. But it's bad!

So since you keep saying "arg-list-object" as though it was something
not an array, I'll bite:

What's an arg-list-object, and how is it different from an array?


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