On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 09:18:05PM -0700, Mark A. Biggar wrote:
> >Has any FOSS developer ever been found liable (or even sued)?
> >
> >Not that I have any objections to this plan but it might be worth
> >considering that it's much easier to sue a single entity then it is to
> >file a tort against a few tens or hundreds of contributors.

So you don't bother - you file a tort against just one. Divide and conquer.

> Yes, the guy who wrote an open source DVD player for Linux was sued by 
> the consortium of companies that own the IP for DVD's.  I don't remember 
> the result, but the EFF archives should have something on it.

And which would you prefer - some human being bankrupted. Or TPF being
bankrupted? If TPF dies, something else will take over the jobs it does,
and no-one will be made homeless.

Nicholas Clark

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