On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 09:54:10AM -0700, Fran??ois PERRAD via RT wrote:
> At 03:02 19/10/2005 -0700, you wrote:
> ># New Ticket Created by  Joshua Hoblitt
> ># Please include the string:  [perl #37477]
> ># in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
> ># <URL: https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=37477 >
> >
> >Any objections?
> $ cat config_lib.pasm
> # Generated by config/gen/config_pm.pl from the template
> # 'config/gen/config_pm/config_lib.in' and %PConfig
> ...
>          set P0["bison_version"], "ARRAY(0x836803c)"
> ...
>          set P0["flex_Version"], "ARRAY(0x83526f4)"
> ...
>          set P0["gccversion"], "3.3"
> Just a question, why produce a array (not serialized) and not a simple 
> string like gcc ?

The idea was that the version string wouldn't have to be parsed again
but I agree that it should look like everything else so we can always
change this later.

> A patch is attached.

Would you commit it?




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