On 11/4/05, Austin Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> If roles are interfaces, do we want any class that provides an interface
> consistent with a role to implicitly do the role?  That is, if a class
> fulfills all of the interface requirements of a role without actually
> saying it does the role, does it do the role anyway?
>      role Documented {
>           has $.documentation;
>      }
>      class Foo does Documented { ... }
>      # I don't know why Bar isn't declared as doing Documented
>      # but it meets all the requirements of doing Documented...
>      class Bar {
>          has $.documentation;
>      }
>      my $baz = Foo.new( $documentation => "q to quit" );
>      my $qux = Bar.new( $documentation => "enter to continue" );
>      sub show_docs ( $obj.does( Documented ) )  { # or $obj ~~ Documented
>          say $obj.documentation;
>      }
>      show_docs( $baz ); # "q to quit"
>      show_docs( $qux ); # "enter to continue" -or-
>                         # error because Bar doesn't explicitly do
>                         # Documented?
> I guess we don't really need implicit doing of roles to get both of
> those objects to print their documentation, as we could have something like
>      sub show_docs ( $obj ) {
>          if ( defined $obj.documentation ) {
>              say $obj.documentation;
>          }
>          else {
>              die "Should have included a documentation string"
>          }
>      }
> Should roles that are implicitly done pass tests like .does and ~~ ?
> What are the reasons that they should or shouldn't?

I say no. It goes back to does a role provide a list of function names
with possible default implementations or does it provide a behavior
that is supported by a set of related functions that one can override,
if desired. What you're proposing assumes that roles are nothing more
than jazzed up Java interfaces. I would hate to see that happen. So, I
say that it should be the latter.


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