On Sat, Nov 12, 2005 at 03:05:53PM +0100, Stéphane Payrard wrote:
: Larry Wall a écrit :
: | On Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 08:42:44AM -0500, Joe Gottman wrote:
: | : Do functions like map and grep, which in Perl5 return lists, return
: | : Iterators in Perl6?
: | 
: | A list may contain iterators.  Lists don't eagerly flatten in Perl 6.
: | 
: | : Can an Iterator be passed to a function (like map and grep again)
: | : that requires a list as an input?
: | 
: | Certainly.  You can pass as many iterators as you like.  The range object
: | is your prototypical iterator, and you can say:
: | 
: |     @results = grep {...} 0..9, 20..29, 40..49;
: | 
: | The list that grep is returning can also function as an iterator, so
: | @results isn't necessarily "all there" after the statement executes.
: | 
: How can Perl6 can consistently cope with side effects if it is not
: specified when evaluation is lazy or strict?

It is my conjecture that it is not necessary to be totally consistent
about that most of the time, as long as people learn that list
context is consistently lazy by default (though the granularity of
that laziness is unguessable), and as long as we try to minimize
unnecessary side effects in the design of the rest of the langauge.

But people are already used to dealing with lazy evaluation of
things like file handles in Perl 5, and can know when they are
unsure of the order of evaluation, and install sync points to
compensate.  That's really all a close is, after all.  Or a
slurp, for that matter.

So Perl 6 has a standard for either the caller or callee to turn
off laziness, and in both cases it's the "steamroller" operator **.
It basically installs Perl 5 semantics for the rest of the list.
For example, this is guaranteed to have the side effect of running
out of memory before it starts to print anything:

    print **1...;

: Is there a trait to say
: that a function (here the grepping predicat) does not have
: side-effect or is also really functional (so as to permit various
: optimizations)?

The "lazy" trait is the presence of an ordinary (non steamroller)
slurpy array in the signature.  If I recall, Pugs already makes use
of an "is pure" trait that specifies no side effects, but it's also
the case that "is cached" implies pure functional behavior.  On the
other hand, it's probably something the compiler should be figuring
out anyway, since it will probably be more honest than a person about
when it's guessing.

: Ate they  pragma to say, "from here every function that will be defined will 
: by default functional" or "every parameter evaluation will be lazy":
:   use fun;
:   use lazy;
:    sub foo {$a } { ...  } # functional and lazy
:    sub notfunctional($a) isnot fun {...)  # can we unset a default attribute?
:   no fun;  # use strict has another meaning btw.
:   ...
:   use fun, lazy; # also can we do use bundling?

Such pragmas are certainly possible, but the default of scalar context
being nonlazy and list context being lazy feels about right to me, as
long as we provide easy ways to override.  The ** in list context will
force evaluation of lazy arguments, while in scalar context, junctions
and hyperoperators implicitly declare that ordering doesn't matter
for that particular operation.

: More generally I am worried of the mix of lazy and strict behavior in
: the presence of all sorts of side effects that would happen in a random
: order depending of the parameter evaluation order.

Welcome to the world of parallel programming, and remote objects,
and software transactional memory, and virtual timelines.  The entire
universe runs on side effects happening in random order.  We'll have to
learn how to balance out determinism with efficiency, and unfortunately
we don't know of any efficient way to be deterministic except in
certain specific cases.

: btw, for strict functions, is the left to right evaluation of
: parameters guaranteed?

Yes, for some definition of "evaluation" that may or may not imply
final resolution of all side effects.  You still probably shouldn't
depend on

    print $i++, $i++;

working any particular way, despite the fact that it works consistently
in the one and only implementation of Perl 5.

And if I'm wrong about all this, it'll still be easy to add a pragma
that implies ** on every list.


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