On 11/19/05, Bernhard Schmalhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sound good to me. 'imcc/t' is more confusing than helpful.
> I also suggest to do away with t/imcc/reg and move it's test perhaps
> t/reg, as no PIR specific functionality is tested.
> t/compilers/imcc could also be t/compilers/pir.
thanks for the feedback. i'll take a closer look at the imcc tests,
and post my observations on that soon.

for now, i've reorganized the pge tests, moving them into the
t/compilers/pge/ directory and subdirs, in revision 10112. smoke tests
and bug reports are welcome for all platforms. in testing, i've come
across that may affect msvc6 on win32 (no problem with msvc7.) i'm
hunting this down, and once fixed, i'll move on to tge, imcc, etc.

> Also  Punie.pm  Python.pm  Tcl.pm should be moved from lib/Parrot/Test
> to their respective dir in 'languages'.
> For t/libraries it might make sense to move the libraries tests next to
> the libraries source.
i haven't made up my mind as to what the ideal locations are for
languages files. therefore, i'll leave those until a bit later.
whatever those locations are, there should be clear documentation for
HLL implementors to follow as to how to integrate their files into the
parrot source tree. therefore, i'll write up a design document with a
how-to section, and post it for review before making any changes to
the source tree.


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