Ruud H.G. van Tol skribis 2005-11-24 10:36 (+0100):
> > it's about expression.
> Also if [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the multi-dimensional index zip?


However, it does feel weird to have an *operator* that makes an array
behave in a certain way. Well, not weird, because we're used to context,
but operators usually don't carry their own dedicated context. I think a
method would be a bit saner.

I think that

    for @foo.indexes { ... }

is a lot clearer, to everyone, than

    for [EMAIL PROTECTED] { ... }

If .indexes turns out to be used a lot, then let's have .i -- "i" for
"index" is accepted abbreviation, isn't it? (Think for (i = 0; ...;


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