The problem seemed to be in the ncurses_life.imc file. At line 324, it uses wattron but it either attron should be used, or STDSCR added to the argument list. But, another problem. Under FreeBSD 5.4, I had to edit ncurses.imc to comment out the whole libform section. I get this error when it's uncommented.

Couldn't load 'libform': /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol "stdscr"
current instr.: '__ncurses_init' pc 2107 (library/ncurses.imc:535)
Assertion failed: ((interpreter->ctx.bp_ps.regs_p[-1L-(cur_opcode[2])])->pmc_ext), function Parrot_dlfunc_p_p_sc_sc, file ops/core.ops, line 1164.

On Nov 23, 2005, at 3:35 AM, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

On Nov 23, 2005, at 6:13, Josh Isom wrote:

When I first installed parrot, curses worked with it, but it fails to work anymore for me, either under darwin or freebsd. On darwin, it clears the screen, and can only read "assertation failed" before it clears and dies,
so I can't see diagnostics, but under freebsd I get this.

Running it inside gdb shows a bit more. But is not really helpful otherwise. Anyway I remember that I have seen a wrong function signature (or using wrong arguments) somewhere inside the ncurses NCI code.

Please go through all the dlfunc ops and compare the signatures with the man page(s). Then check the calls of the functions for correctness.



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