Since it's not documented at all that I've seen, either for or against, I'm wondering what's the arguments to macros are supposed to be. Consider this code.

.const int TRUE = 1
.const int FALSE = 0

.macro IfElse(conditional, foo, bar)
    unless .conditional goto .$else
    goto .$endif
    .local $else:
    .local $endif:

.sub main :main
        print "True\n"
        print "False\n"
        print "True\n"
        print "False\n"
    .IfElse(FALSE, print "True\n", print "False\n")
This will print True, then False, then False. Comma's aren't allowed for any of the statements(and they can be multilined), even commented out ones(which if this "feature" isn't a bug, that part is). By using pir's syntax, a lot of commas are eliminated, so it's at least somewhat of a practical thing. But since I doubt this is at all intended, is it a bug?


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