directory reorganization is nearly done. all directories on my list
have been moved, save one; the only remaining directory to move is
jit/. this will require some reworking of the jit configure system,
and moving jit/ will also affect every platform (potentially in
different ways (but hopefully not.))

due to the scope of the change, and the current state of the jit
system, i'd like to coordinate this work with the planned jit
modifications to configure. i'd also like to make sure folks are
available for testing on various platforms before this work begins.
therefore, i'll wait to start moving jit/ until i know i'll have
enough time to dedicate to the task, and that there will be plenty of

specifically, joshua, when do you think you'll have tuits to dive into
the jit config system? no pressure--if it waits until next year, so be
it. i have some testing tasks i can keep busy with in the meantime.
based on that info, i can ask the folk with platforms not available to
the parrot committers if they might have time to submit test/smoke
reports during and after the changeover, to make sure our next release
doesn't break any platforms due to this change.


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