I've spent a couple of days trying out Cygwin, MinGW, PXPerl, and other Windows based contexts, in order to build Pugs w/Embedded Parrot. I've learned a lot about configuration and little else.

Would I be right in supposing that most people working on Perl6 and Parrot development, and spend relatively little time jiggering configs and makes, are working under Linux on i386 machines? (excluding a few who have had plenty of time to get a VS6/7 or Cygwin or ... environment straightened out.)

Schwenn wrote:

Thank you very much - that should get me more than started.

One more pointer, an elaboration, (a general one to documentation one relation of Pugs to embedded Parrot even better): if Pugs doesn't have a feature yet, like much of Rules, does it ship it off to embedded Parrot for potential help?

Thanks again

Luke Palmer wrote:
On 12/23/05, Peter Schwenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is the "best" (most complete as to Perl6 Language) current setup (for
experimenting with Perl6 source code) currently a hybrid: Pugs with
embedded Parrot, or is it Perl5 with a large set of Perl6'ish modules.
Or something else that I've missed.

Definitely pugs.  Perl 5 with Perl6:: modules gives you a few nice
features, but it is by no means programming in Perl 6.

You have to embed Parrot if you want to experiment with rules (or use
s:Perl5///). The perl 5 module Perl6::Rules doesn't... um... work. However, rules are a little sketchy just about everywhere, so be
prepared to fight with it no matter what you choose.

For the former case (Pugs+Parrot) where is starting point for
documentation for acquiring configuring and make'ing the right Pugs and
Parrot bits?

Quite simple, really.  Get parrot and build it as usual.  Get pugs and
set PARROT_PATH="/path/to/parrot/trunk", and then Makefile.PL; make as
usual.  That should do it.

The documentation for that is, as far as I know, in Makefile.PL.  It
will tell you "Parrot embedding disabled" if you didn't set things up


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