I propose that we change $! (formerly global) and $/ (formerly
implicitly lexical) to being env variables.  Here is the IRC
conversation where Audrey convinced me:

Let me explain env variables, because my misunderstanding of those is
what caused me to oppose the idea.  An env variable can be thought of
as an implicit parameter to a function.  A function retrieves said
implicit parameters using the + twigil.  So this code:

    sub bar() {
        say $+foo;
    sub baz() {
        env $foo = 42;

Could be rewritten:

    sub bar($foo) {
        say $foo;
    sub baz() {
        bar(foo => 42);

The + twigil is *necessary*, so it's different from a temporized
global.  This code:

    sub bar() {
        say $foo;
    sub baz() {
        env $foo = 42;

Dies with "$foo undeclared at line 2".

Env variables are implicitly passed up through any number of call
frames.  So baz() could declare an env $foo, and bar() could call
bar(), which calls quux(), which calls foo(), and foo() could ask for

The decision to make $! non-global is obvious:

    sub trace($msg) {
        try { say $msg }
    try {
        CATCH {
            trace("got here");
            when X::Foo {...}  # uh oh, is referring to trace()'s $!

Making $! lexical or environmental solves that problem.  Keeping it
environmental allows you to write your own catch() handlers.

$/ was formerly lexical, and making it environmental, first of all,
allows substitutions to be regular functions:

    $foo.subst(rx| /(.*?)/ |, { "<it>$1</it>" })

Since .subst could choose bind $/ on behalf of its caller.

It is also aesthetically appealing to have all (three) punctuation
variables being environmental.

Here's a patch to S02:


Index: S02.pod
--- S02.pod     (revision 7048)
+++ S02.pod     (working copy)
@@ -467,9 +467,7 @@
 Many of the special variables of Perl 5 are going away.  Those that
 apply to some object such as a filehandle will instead be attributes
 of the appropriate object.  Those that are truly global will have
-global alphabetic names, such as C<$*PID> or C<@*ARGS>.  Certain of
-these global values may retain punctuational shortcuts, such as C<$!>
-for C<$*ERROR>.
+global alphabetic names, such as C<$*PID> or C<@*ARGS>.

 =item *

@@ -604,9 +602,10 @@
 The C<CALLER> package refers to the lexical scope of the (dynamically
 scoped) caller.  The caller's lexical scope is allowed to hide any
 variable except C<$_> from you.  In fact, that's the default, and a
-lexical variable must be declared using "C<env>" rather than C<my> to
be visible via C<CALLER>.
-(C<$_> is always environmental. [Conjectural: so are C<$!> and C<$/>.])
-If the variable is not visible in the caller, it returns failure.
+lexical variable must be declared using "C<env>" rather than C<my> to be
+visible via C<CALLER>.  (C<$_>, C<$!> and C<$/> are always
+environmental.) If the variable is not visible in the caller, it returns

 An explicit C<env> declaration is implicitly readonly.  You may add
 C<is rw> to allow subroutines from modifying your value.  C<$_> is

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