On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 11:56:11PM +0100, Tels wrote:
> Given that ppm seems YetAnotherPerlPackager and that even ActiveState 
> can't get it to build most of the CPAN packages, I am not convinced that 
> using ppm over CPAN/Module::Build is a good or even working idea.

PPM is much simpler for end users than CPAN/CPANPLUS/Module::Build.  

The CPAN shell is simply too complex for most non-perl people to
easily install perl packages.  You shouldn't need to be a perl hacker
to install perl modules or (especially) applications.

> Yes, you can build your own packages with it and distribute them, but that 
> doesn't help you to install Foo-Bar and all it's dependencies from 
> CPAN...


`ppm install Foo-Bar` would install Foo-Bar and all dependencies
(assuming they were present on ppm's repositories).

I should also mention that while I have an ActiveState email address,
I actually work for Sophos, so I'm just a consumer of their stuff.  I
completely agree with your concerns that the AS ppm repo doesn't
contain all packages - this needs to be fixed if PPM is to be used on
a larger scale.

My point is just that what makes PPM so good is that it doesn't futz
about with compiling code and running tests.  It just installs the
code and goes home.


Luke Closs
PureMessage Developer 
There is always time to juggle in the Sophos Zone.

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