A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Adam Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-01-28 17:15]:
So do have any additional specific objections, or are we up to
"grumble, just fucking do it then, but I won't care" :)

Actually, I like the effort, even if I share some of the concerns
of the people who ridicule it. But it won’t motivate *me* to fix
the smoke system, and I assume most other people who might care
about CPANTS in an “I’m just a user” sort of way will feel the
same. I also don’t see how those involved with the smoke system
but not CPANTS will be motivated by CPANTS to fix the smoke

So right now, the metric will not contribute in any useful way to
anything. If you want the smoke system to be fixed, well gee,
you’ll have to fix the smoke system.

That may not be that hard as you might think. Since PITA provides a superset of the current testing options we may be able to just duplicate the entire current set of CPAN Testers on a single $400 PC.

But that's really blue sky at the moment, I have absolutely nothing concrete to back up that statement, nor do I wish to engage in discussion or speculation on that possibility till I have something more useful to contribute and not just vapour.

My point is really that CPAN Testers CAN be fixed, it's merely a case of how much effort is involved and finding someone that cares enough to fix it.

Adam K

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