David Cantrell wrote:
David Golden wrote:
What's a clean, generic mechanism for a distribution to signal "please check this dependency and abort if it's not satisfied"?

die("wrong platform, you didn't read the documentation\n")
    $Config::capabilities{filesystem}{casesensitive} &&

Well, I really meant how to signal to CPANSmoke, not the user. I don't really expect CPANSmoke to read the docs -- which is the problem.

That said, the notion of Config may be a decent next step as a sane way of requesting certain prerequisites like OS or features like threading.

  config_prereq => {
    keyname => string or regex

For example:

  config_prereq => {
    osname => qr/linux|bsd/,
    useithreads => 'define'

That doesn't solve the external library problem, but it would be a next step that Makefile.PL/Build.PL/CPANSmoke might be able to support for a bit more granularity as to what consistutes an N/A on a smoke test.


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