brian d foy wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Adam
Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And if there is a problem with Module::Install, you have to update all your dists with the new version - solve one problem, create two new ones :)

But if there is a problem with EU::MM or Module::Build, you have to update every installation in the entire world with the new version.

That's not entirely fair. If I personally had to update all of my distributions and re-upload them to CPAN, it would never get done. If I
(or the other users) have to upgrade EU::MM or Module::Build, they
install the latest from CPAN.

s/just// auto-applied :)

The big advantage I see here is it's not you doing the work, it's everybody else.

I generally don't have too much of a problem doing incrementals...

cd trunk/Module-Name
ppichangeversion 0.14 0.15
perl ../../tools/ --install --commit --upload Module-Name

Give me another 6 months to accrete small improvements and I expect that to be..

cd tools
./ --increment --commit --install --upload Module-Name

And 6 months after that...

./ Module-Name Other-Module Etc-Etc

Incremental releasing is a toolchain problem. You can automate the thing down to a single command if you care enough. (even if it's a bit at a time)

And aren't you writing Module::Release or something to do exactly that?

Adam K

If I had the old versions in my dist, I would have configured @INC to
look for them, and that's where they'd be found regardless of what else
is installed. I could code all sorts of conditionals to check if the
module is already installed and of the right version and so on, but
then things are getting pretty complex.

It would be nice if some of these modules could do their magic at `make dist` time so they didn't have to show up in the dist. :)

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