On Feb 5, 2006, at 5:56, dakkar wrote:

I did, and the big problem is that it has a size of 106967 x 2031 pts,
which I think translates to 1485 x 28 inches. This not only makes it
hard to display, but also hard to follow...

That's more a result of Parrot than it is of any particular diagram format. For me, this was actually the most valuable result of the display. It's easy to look at the top level directory of Parrot and think it's simple. But, the code base is quite large, with intricate interlocking pieces. (The diagram was a side-shoot off working on an architectural overview.)

As a side note in the useless statistics department: for some strange reason, a very high percentage of Parrot's files are 3 levels down from the root.

I might try to convice dot to lay it out a bit more clearly. I don't
promise anything (I'm not a GraphViz expert by any stretch of the
definition), but it might be fun to try.

There are some things you can do to group sections of the graph into boxes, etc. If you start with the .dot file I posted and send me a diff of your changes, I'll work them into the script.


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