* Compiling sub on-the-fly is now implemented on PPC too [1]
* there are now commandline switches, which enable this optimization:
  -Sj    ... switch core, JIT if possible
  -Cj    ... CGP core,    JIT if possible

E.g. on the powerbook (with speed setting dynamic - numbers might be arbitrary)

$ time ./parrot -Oc -C examples/shootout/ack.pir 9
Ack(3, 9) = 4093

real    0m26.173s

$ time ./parrot -Oc -Sj examples/shootout/ack.pir 9
Ack(3, 9) = 4093

real    0m0.582s

(-Sj and -Cj are for sure very similar, as the main function doesn't much)


[1] integer code only on both platforms

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