On 3/14/06, Adam Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Even better would be adding two more states so that you can
> > distinguish between prereq-failure, build-failure, test-failure and
> > ok.
> Well actually I tried to sit down the other day and work out how many
> distinct types of success/failure events there might be, for use in PITA.
> The number came out to something like 15 :)
> Which I imagine means we end up with something like a HTTP numbering system.
> And then for any given reporting system, depending on what you consider
> "good", "bad" or "otherwise" in that particular system, you fold the 15
> result codes into your case-specific results.

That sounds all fine and useful, but a broad summary is also useful,
just not when its over broad. Id say anything in the 3-5 range is ok,
after that it gets to be too much unless you specifically are doing
fine analysis.

And i also agree with yuval that using numbers for this stuff is not
so useful. Although i guess having both wouldnt be that horrible.


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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