David Golden wrote:
> So back at the beginning of February, there was some email traffic about 
> how ActiveState's automated PPM build system was using an outdated 
> version of Scalar-List-Utils, which was causing a cascading prerequisite 
> failure for many distributions.
> Has anyone heard any updates on this?  Does anyone have an inside 
> contact at ActiveState that can shed some more light on the subject?

It's not that simple a problem, exactly. The PPM build servers are all running
one the first ActivePerl release for that platform.  That way, forward binary
compatibility can be guaranteed going forward.

So on Win32 for instance, that's ActivePerl- that shipped with
Scalar-List-Util 1.07 that doesn't have a reftype() implementation. In many
cases, modules that require Scalar-List-Util for the weaken() function will
build fine, for instance. Other modules that need newer APIs from it, will
fail to build.

The main reason this is hapenning is that it's not currently possible to update
CORE packages in ActivePerl, so any module that depends on a CORE package can
be suffering from this. This problem will persist until it becomes possible to
update core packages in ActivePerl.

It's certainly not an ideal situation, but unless somebody can point out an
easier solution, this is where we are at.

Philippe M. Chiasson                  [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG KeyID : 88C3A5A5
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