On 4/4/06, Tyler MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >OTOH, who still runs pre-5.8.x code deserves what they get.
> > >
> > >There are horrible bugs in older Perls, and I don't know why people
> > >still
> > >insist using insecure, buggy and feature-lacking code like 5.6. or even
> > >gasp 5.004. Just think "Unicode support", "hash randomization", "memory
> > >leaks".
>         FWIW I've heard at least one valid argument for sticking with 5.6,
> and that actually is unicode support. :-)
>         Apparently, in 5.6 regular expressions don't have full unicode
> support. But in 5.8 the regexp unicode stuff is expensive. And to make
> matters worse, if anything in any package that you import uses unicode, the
> new, slower unicode regular expression algorithm is applied to *everything*
> and there's no easy way to turn that off.
>         This is just a nasty rumour I'm sure, but I've heard it multiple
> times from multiple people. I like to stay on the cutting edge and if my
> regexps are too slow, I'll find some other way to do it. :-)

I dont believe that this is correct.

The regex engine uses UTF8 logic if the pattern is UTF8 or if the
string is UTF8.

If both are ascii then it uses ascii logic only.


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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