On Apr 11, 2006, at 23:15, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

Just to add a "me too" of sorts -- I didn't really notice it when
most everything was using "Perl*" PMCs, but now that we've separated
things out into base types the behavior seems very odd, unexpected,
and somewhat undesirable.

This isn't related to Perl* PMCs vs. other PMCs at all.

$ cat p.pir
.sub main
    P1 = new .PerlNum
    P1 = 123
    P1 = exp P1
    print P1
    print "\n"

$ ./parrot -t2 p.pir
# find_method class 'LexInfo' method 'declare_lex_preg': NCI
# find_method class 'PerlInt' method 'exp': no
# find_method class 'Integer' method 'exp': no
# find_method class 'Integer' method 'exp': no
Method 'exp' not found
current instr.: 'main' pc 12 (p.pir:5)


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