Author: larry
Date: Fri Apr 21 14:54:12 2006
New Revision: 8903


Moved adverb description to S02.
Documented :!foo syntax.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod        (original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod        Fri Apr 21 14:54:12 2006
@@ -1148,6 +1148,51 @@
 =item *
+There is now a generalized adverbial form of Pair notation:
+The following table shows the correspondence:
+    Fat arrow          Adverbial pair
+    =========          ==============
+    a => 1             :a
+    a => 0             :!a
+    a => 0             :a(0)
+    a => $x            :a($x)
+    a => 'foo'         :a<foo>
+    a => <foo bar>     :a<foo bar>
+    a => «$foo @bar»   :a«$foo @bar»
+    a => {...}         :a{...}
+    a => [...]         :a[...]
+    a => $a            :$a
+    a => @a            :@a
+    a => %a            :%a
+    a => %foo<a>       %foo:<a>
+Note that as usual the C<{...}> form can indicate either a closure or a hash
+depending on the contents.
+Note also that the C<< <a b> >> form is not a subscript and is therefore
+equivalent not to C<.{'a','b'}> but rather to C<('a','b')>.  Bare C<< <a> >>
+turns into C<('a')> rather than C<('a',)>.
+Two or more adverbs can always be strung together without intervening
+punctuation anywhere a single adverb is acceptible.  When used as named
+arguments, you may put comma between.  See S06.
+The negated form (C<$!a>) and the sigiled forms (C<:$a>, C<:@a>,
+C<:%a>) never take an argument and don't care what the next character is.
+They are considered complete.
+The other forms of adverb (including the bare C<:a> form) I<always>
+look for an immediate bracketed argument, and will slurp it up.
+If that's not intended, you must use whitespace between the adverb
+and the opening bracket.
+Despite not being a subscript, the brackets are parsed as postfix operators,
+and may be separated from their C<:foo> with dot or "long dot".
+=item *
 Generalized quotes may now take adverbs:
     Short       Long            Meaning
@@ -1208,13 +1253,13 @@
 For these "q" forms the choice of delimiters has no influence on the
 semantics.  That is, C<''>, C<"">, C<< <> >>, C<«»>, C<``>, C<()>,
 C<[]>, and C<{}> have no special significance when used in place of
-C<//> as delimiters.  There may be whitespace or a colon before the
+C<//> as delimiters.  There may be whitespace before the
 opening delimiter. (Which is mandatory for parens because C<q()> is
 a subroutine call and C<q:w(0)> is an adverb with arguments).  Other
-brackets may also require a colon or space when they would be understood as
+brackets may also require whitespace when they would be understood as
 an argument to an adverb in something like C<< q:z<foo>// >>.
 A colon may never be used as the delimiter since it will always be
-taken to mean something else regardless of what's in front of it.
+taken to mean another adverb regardless of what's in front of it.
 =item *
@@ -1357,6 +1402,10 @@
     qq:c(0) "Here are { $two uninterpolated } curlies";
+or eqivalently:
+    qq:!c "Here are { $two uninterpolated } curlies";
 Alternately, you can build up capabilities from single quote to tell
 it exactly what you I<do> want to interpolate:

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod        (original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod        Fri Apr 21 14:54:12 2006
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
     $formal = formalize($title, justify=>'left');
     $formal = formalize($title, :justify<right>, :case<title>);
-Named parameters are optional unless marked with C<!>.  Default values for
+Named parameters are optional unless marked with a following C<!>.  Default 
values for
 optional named parameters are defined in the same way as for positional
 parameters, but may depend only on the values of parameters that have
 already been bound.  (Note that binding happens in the call order,
@@ -596,23 +596,8 @@
 have no default.  Named required parameters fail unless an argument pair
 of that name is supplied.
-Again, note the use of adverbial pairs in the argument list.  The following
-table shows the correspondence:
-    Fat arrow          Adverbial pair
-    =========          ==============
-    a => 1             :a
-    a => 0             :a(0)
-    a => $x            :a($x)
-    a => 'foo'         :a<foo>
-    a => <foo bar>     :a<foo bar>
-    a => «$foo @bar»   :a«$foo @bar»
-    a => {...}         :a{...}
-    a => [...]         :a[...]
-    a => $a            :$a
-    a => @a            :@a
-    a => %a            :%a
-    a => %foo<a>       %foo:<a>
+Again, note the use of adverbial pairs in the argument list.  See S02 for
+the correspondence between adverbial form and arrow notation.
 =head2 List parameters
@@ -636,7 +621,7 @@
 For example:
     duplicate(3, reverse => 1, collate => 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14);
-    duplicate(3, :reverse, :collate(0), 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14);  # same
+    duplicate(3, :reverse, :!collate, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14);  # same
     # The @data parameter receives [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14]
     # The %flag parameter receives { reverse => 1, collate => 0 }

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