Nik Clayton wrote:
Hi Adam,

Adam Kennedy wrote:
Phase N is my company, and is the collaborative subversion repository for my code, that now includes PPI, which you've expressed a desire to have bugs fixed in I believe a number of times.

I see you're using Insurrection.

I was wondering if you'd looked at SVN::Web before using Insurrection, and if so, if there are any features missing from SVN::Web that you'd use.

SVN::Web can be found at

and, of course, on CPAN.

Hmm... well I can only see the front-end part there, where to be honest I don't actually need, and came for free with Insurrection.

What I'm using it for is the administration side.

- Admin of multiple repositories
- Email-based accounts
- Disabled, Read-Only, Read-Write or Admin on a per-repository basis
  (that's all I need anyway)
- Automated password $stuff. That is, password auto-creation, emailing account details on creation or request, password update ability.
- Automatic creation of additional repositories

As for the rest, like disk quotas and such, I don't particularly need that either.

My big need is very easy account management. Something that minimizes the number of seconds I have to look at a web svn tool. Because the whole point of the exercise for me is to make it so easy to have people fix bugs, I can do the whole account/review/release cycle in less than 1 minute or so, so I can have bugs fixed in modules without distracted from what I'm working on.

Adam K

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