Michael Mathews wrote:

> This is the smartest suggestion I've yet seen on the subject, but, not
> being all *that* familiar with Perl6 Grammars (aren't they something
> like contextually-smart regexes?), can anyone give an example of Perl
> 6 code that uses grammars and can express some wiki-formatting?

Yes, that'd be VERY helpful, as I am not sure whether I'd be able to produce
a Perl6 grammar without examples.

> Also, is this thread trying to define the standard for a winning wiki
> (eg "to get the grand you must use perl 6 Grammars") or is this more
> of a community effort to actually produce a wiki? Not sure where that
> prize thread ended up.

I am not sure how all others see it, but initially it is divided.

*It* meaning the specification and the tools used to meet the spec, so
probably we should just try to list up some of the features that it OUGHT
to have and then hopefully end up having ALL the features listed.

>From my point of view the major aim is *getting a web-something to enable us
to document, communicate, structure and manage knowledge*. Is this so?

Then - IMO - the key features would be:

- Simple but expressive wiki-syntax providing stuff like code highlighting
        - as to the line-based vs. block-based battle: I think a combination
          of both has its advantages
- Revision control and diff stuff
- easy user interface
- easy storage backend, initially a file based thing with file locks (maybe
in YAML even?) like UseMod uses one
- File upload (for pics), maybe file inclusion mechanism to make wiki pages
modular (e.g.

include: head.p6w
include: navi.p6w
= heading =

include: footer.p6w

where head.p6w etc. could have been uploaded or so

- Link management, means to rename pages, links or even globally rename
strings (<- missed this one sometimes)
- (sitewide) search facility
- maybe hierarchical structure for subpages or sections
- oh, IMO quite important: enhanced CSS support, because everything else is

Can't think of much else to get started but I guess this is enough
already ;)



That which is not good for the bee-hive cannot be good for the bees.

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