Amir E. Aharoni skribis 2006-09-17 17:22 (+0300):
> 17/09/06, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skribis:
> > This is a very strict language, though, as it is based on XML.
> > A document is either valid and unambiguous, or completely invalid.
> Just like any programming language should be.

X?HTML is not a programming language. But I don't want to discuss the
benefits and disadvantages of XHTML at all, except to mention that both
do have benefits and disadvantages.

> > Because of this, XHTML needs to be a conscious choice, and never the
> > default.
> WordPress is an example of a webserver software tool that does try to
> produce standard XHTML.

That's great. Our tool will not produce documents, though.

Our tool will produce incomplete X?HTML, and thus must support both HTML
and XHTML. An empty tag created for XHTML is not valid HTML, and vice

XHTML is a promise for very strict output. HTML is so much less. We
should try to avoid promising things on our users' behalves.

People who wish to output XHTML from a program that they write, have
consciously chosen for it. HTML on the other hand can safely be assumed
by default: browsers won't display error pages on invalid input.

> It does it by default and very few bloggers who use it care about it
> or, for that matter, notice it. should
> be like that too. 

I disagree strongly. If we were publishing entire documents, then by all
means let it be XHTML, as it is expected to be the future standard. But
we're not!

> I see no reason that autogenerated code won't conform to standard

Open your eyes.

> Every deviation from standards and XML well-formedness should produce
> a warning.

You seem to be forgetting that Perl is all-purpose, and has a very
different cultural background than XML.

> Wishful thinking: could have
> functionality that will output XHTML that adheres to both the
> w3c-standard and the defacto-standard (warning about tags that only
> works in certain browsers etc.) It might make it easier for developers
> to test their sites on several browsers and platforms.

I do not want to use any web programming toolkit, Perl or other
language, that without my explicit request scans my output and/or whines
about it.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <>
  convolution:     ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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