On Oct 26, 2006, at 5:21 AM, Paul Cochrane (via RT) wrote:

this patch ensures that when t/codingstd/perlcritic.t can't find
Test::Perl::Critic, that instead of exiting with a "Can't locate
Test/Perl/Critic.pm in @INC" compile-time error, it reports that it is
skipping the test with the message defined in perlcritic.t.

One can't use C<require> in this case as the C<use> call needs to pass
an argument to the package if Test::Perl::Critic is found.

Comments welcome,


A better implementation of that patch would be:

     eval { require Test::Perl::Critic; };
     if ($@) {
         plan skip_all => 'Test::Perl::Critic not installed';
     Test::Perl::Critic->import(-verbose => 7);


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