Parrot Bug Summary
Generated at Mon Apr 16 13:00:02 2007 GMT

  * Numbers
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets



Ticket Counts: 132 new + 437 open = 569
Created this week: 19
Closed this week: 8


New Issues

New issues that have not been responded to yet

1 - 2 weeks old
42385 [TODO] imcc - remove global variable: cur_namespace
42384 [TODO] imcc - check that all the .file text is malloced / freed
42383 [TODO] imcc - if frame->s.file was allocated free it
42382 [TODO] imcc - delete quotes and emit pbc
42381 [TODO] search library path for parrot bytecode when loading
42379 [TODO] adjust register layout in debug_print()
42378 [TODO] explicit exit from debug_break() op is not ok
42377 [TODO] clone interpreter to play into the debugger
42376 [TODO] handle all ready states in add_io_event opcode
42375 [TODO] make pmcinfo op official
42374 [TODO] free results from string_to_cstring() without ugly warnings
42373 [TODO] handle non-integer file descriptors
42372 [TODO] same opcode names should differ (subclass op)
42369 [TODO] optimize pointer loading in saveall()
42360 [TODO]: Unit tests for Parrot::Revision
42356 [TODO] verify $1 didn't change in pic_callr__() op
42355 [TODO] use ARG_MAX in pic_callr__() op
42354 [TODO] preserve type system in pic_inline_sub__() op
42353 [TODO] perform a dynamic lookup if needed in pic_infix__() op
42352 [TODO] fix or remove strange TODO item in hash() op
42350 [TODO] fix kludge in find_type op
42349 [TODO] dotnet - fix various ops for 64 bit architectures
42330 [BUG]: New warning during 'make': "MAX" redefined
42320 [BUG] Memory leak with String pmc
42312 src/pmc/os.pmc: bad use of stat(2) and lstat(2)
42300 [PATCH] t/pmc/sub.t: test for creation of lex by clone op
42287 [TODO] MMD needs to be in a PDD
42286 [CAGE]: Parrot::Pmc2c::PCCMETHOD constants should be autogenerated
2 - 3 weeks old
42267 [CAGE] Work out how to encourage good editor-independent formatting
42254 [BUG] Broken I/O on missing file
42230 Parrot::Test Eats Segfaults
3 - 4 weeks old
42040 tools/dev/ doesn't pick up files that are marked
      svn deleted but not yet committed
42001 [TODO] Rename preturn to PCCRETURN
4 - 5 weeks old
41898 Build error with icc
41897 [BUG]: Parrot::Pmc2c::STMRef gets 'subroutine prederef redefined' warning
41893 [BUG] 0.4.9 leaks various .c files into install image, creates PREFIX/
      config, PREFIX/compiler
41888 Perl 6 FAQ text
41875 [PATCH] update io->fsize if lseek exceeds the file boundaries
41874 [PATCH] extended io_mmap implementation
41862 [CAGE] Make a reasonable set of rules for lint
41858 [CAGE] Make a reasonable set of rules for splint
41857 [CAGE] Make a "make valgrind" target
41833 [TODO] test conv_i2 opcode
41827 ICU endian issues causing test failures.
41826 vtable method 'find_method' not working in PIR
41825 morph vtable method not working in PIR
41819 [PATCH */2]: [t/pmc] minor object-meths.t clean-ups
41802 [BUG] GC errors with PGE (may have failing tests!)
5 - 6 weeks old
41783 [BUG?] main isn't in src/parrot.c
41772 [PATCH] languages/pynie: built-in functions
41767 [PATCH] add OpenBSD/zaurus and Linux/PS3 to PLATFORMS
41765 [TODO] examples embedded in pod should all be parseable
41762 [PATCH] Languages/Pynie functions!
6 - 7 weeks old
41684 [PATCH] Updates for lua
41675 [TODO] Add 'languages/perl6' to unified languages testing
41666 Test PIR and PASM by generating PBC and running it
41634 [TODO] warn and abort make if pbc compatibility has changed
7 - 8 weeks old
41611 [TODO] Write a test for is_perl_exemption()
41603 [TODO] compilers/imcc/imcc.l different const qualifier
41582 Parrot - 0.4.11 release
8 - 9 weeks old
41500 [TODO] config - lib directory needs to be set appropriately for 32/64 bit
41499 [TODO] config - 32/64 bit architecture setting gcc specific
41497 [TODO] config - profiling options are specific to gcc in config/init/
41496 [TODO] config - profiling options should have their own step in config/
9 - 10 weeks old
10 - 11 weeks old
41374 test MMD with non-perl PMCs
41373 Need test for Clone of HLL info
11 - 12 weeks old
12 - 13 weeks old
41310 [CAGE] autogenerated PMC stubs kill compile
41286 [PDD] revisit properties
41280 [PDD] adding methods to subs as objects
13 - 14 weeks old
41265 [TODO] PGE: refactor pod_comment rule into PGE/Util.pbc
41264 [PDD] should properties get serialized?
41263 [PDD] should/can high-level classes be constructed at compile-time?
41257 [tru64] core dump in t/pmc/io_1.pir
41256 [tru64] NaNQ failures in t/pmc/complex
41255 [tru64] core dump from t/pmc/pmc_5.pasm
41254 [tru64] core dump from library/pg
41253 [tru64] core dump from t/dynoplibs/myops_3.pir
41251 [tru64] core dump from t/pmc/resizablebooleanarray_20.pasm
41249 [tru64] core dump in t/pmc/interp_3.pir
41242 Compile on Linux with Intel C++ and Sun Studio for Linux
41218 [BUG] warnings in imcc lexer code
14 - 15 weeks old
15 - 16 weeks old
16 - 17 weeks old
17 - 18 weeks old
18 - 19 weeks old
19 - 20 weeks old
20 - 21 weeks old
40972 Iterator over Env under Win32

Overview of Open Issues

Platform           Severity           Tag                      Lang
aix       0        abandoned 0        5005threads   0          Amber    0
All       4        fatal     4        bounce        0          BASIC    1
bsdos     0        High      0        Bug          54          bc       0
cygwin    6        low       1        compiler      0          befunge  0
cygwin_nt 0        medium    0        configure     0          bf       0
darwin    0        none      0        core          0          cola     0
dec_osf   0        Normal    1        dailybuild    0          forth    0
dgux      0        unknown   0        docs          0          jako     0
dos       0        Wishlist  3        duplicate     0          Lisp     0
dynixptx  0                      install       1          m4       0
freebsd   1                           library       0          ook      0
generic   0                           notabug       0          perl6    0
gnu       0                           notok         0          plot     0
HPUX      0                           ok            0          punie    0
irix      0                           Patch        46          pynie    0
irix64    0                           regex         0          python   0
Linux     0                           sendToCPAN    0          ruby     0
lynxos    0                           Todo        295          scheme   0
mac       0                           unknown       0          tcl     85
machten   0                           utilities     0          urm      0
macos     0                           wontfix       0          Zcode    0
MacOS X   0
mswin32   0
netbsd    1
next      0
openbsd   1
os2       0
os390     0
other     0
powerux   0
qnx       0
riscos    0
sco       0
Solaris   1
sunos     0
svr4      0
svr5      0
sysv      0
unicos    0
unicosmk  0
unix      0
unknown   0
uts       0
vms       0
VOS       0
Win32     3

Ticket Status By Version

                                    New or Open                        Resolved


Requestors with most open tickets

Paul Cochrane               101
Will Coleda                  62
jerry gay                    35
Jerry Gay                    35
Joshua Hoblitt               29
Leopold Toetsch              26
Matt Diephouse               24
Chip Salzenberg              20
James Keenan                 15


  * Total Issues
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets

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