Parrot Bug Summary
Generated at Mon May 7 13:00:03 2007 GMT

  * Numbers
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets



Ticket Counts: 113 new + 435 open = 548
Created this week: 12
Closed this week: 23


New Issues

New issues that have not been responded to yet

1 - 2 weeks old
42790 [BUG] Tailcall with slurpy argument passing causes a memory leak
2 - 3 weeks old
42624 Parrot compiles now but still fails tests.
42617 t/pmc/threads_7.pir hangs indefinitely
42609 [BUG] make html vs. DEVELOPING
3 - 4 weeks old
42536 build error on Linux 2.6.9-023stab041.3-smp
42508 [CAGE] cleanup pmc null tests
42427 [CAGE] cleanup perlcritic errors
42411 [PARTIALPATCH] Building a 32bit parrot on freebsd under amd64 fails.
42393 [TODO] regex - FIXME items in languages/regex/lib/Regex/Grammar.y
4 - 5 weeks old
42384 [TODO] imcc - check that all the .file text is malloced / freed
42383 [TODO] imcc - if frame->s.file was allocated free it
42382 [TODO] imcc - delete quotes and emit pbc
42379 [TODO] adjust register layout in debug_print()
42378 [TODO] explicit exit from debug_break() op is not ok
42377 [TODO] clone interpreter to play into the debugger
42376 [TODO] handle all ready states in add_io_event opcode
42375 [TODO] make pmcinfo op official
42374 [TODO] free results from string_to_cstring() without ugly warnings
42373 [TODO] handle non-integer file descriptors
42372 [TODO] same opcode names should differ (subclass op)
42369 [TODO] optimize pointer loading in saveall()
42356 [TODO] verify $1 didn't change in pic_callr__() op
42355 [TODO] use ARG_MAX in pic_callr__() op
42354 [TODO] preserve type system in pic_inline_sub__() op
42353 [TODO] perform a dynamic lookup if needed in pic_infix__() op
42352 [TODO] fix or remove strange TODO item in hash() op
42350 [TODO] fix kludge in find_type op
42349 [TODO] dotnet - fix various ops for 64 bit architectures
42330 [BUG]: New warning during 'make': "MAX" redefined
42312 src/pmc/os.pmc: bad use of stat(2) and lstat(2)
42287 [PDD] MMD needs to be in a PDD
42286 [CAGE]: Parrot::Pmc2c::PCCMETHOD constants should be autogenerated
5 - 6 weeks old
42267 [CAGE] Work out how to encourage good editor-independent formatting
42254 [BUG] Broken I/O on missing file
6 - 7 weeks old
42040 tools/dev/ doesn't pick up files that are marked
      svn deleted but not yet committed
7 - 8 weeks old
41893 [BUG] 0.4.9 leaks various .c files into install image, creates PREFIX/
      config, PREFIX/compiler
41888 Perl 6 FAQ text
41862 [CAGE] Make a reasonable set of rules for lint
41858 [CAGE] Make a reasonable set of rules for splint
41857 [CAGE] Make a "make valgrind" target
41833 [TODO] test conv_i2 opcode
41827 ICU endian issues causing test failures.
41825 morph vtable method not working in PIR
41802 [BUG] GC errors with PGE (may have failing tests!)
8 - 9 weeks old
41783 [BUG?] main isn't in src/parrot.c
41772 [PATCH] languages/pynie: built-in functions
41765 [TODO] examples embedded in pod should all be parseable
41762 [PATCH] Languages/Pynie functions!
9 - 10 weeks old
41675 [TODO] Add 'languages/perl6' to unified languages testing
41666 Test PIR and PASM by generating PBC and running it
41634 [TODO] warn and abort make if pbc compatibility has changed
10 - 11 weeks old
11 - 12 weeks old
41500 [TODO] config - lib directory needs to be set appropriately for 32/64 bit
41499 [TODO] config - 32/64 bit architecture setting gcc specific
41497 [TODO] config - profiling options are specific to gcc in config/init/
41496 [TODO] config - profiling options should have their own step in config/
12 - 13 weeks old
13 - 14 weeks old
41374 test MMD with non-perl PMCs
41373 Need test for Clone of HLL info
14 - 15 weeks old
15 - 16 weeks old
41310 [CAGE] autogenerated PMC stubs kill compile
41286 [PDD] revisit properties
41280 [PDD] adding methods to subs as objects
16 - 17 weeks old
41265 [TODO] PGE: refactor pod_comment rule into PGE/Util.pbc
41264 [PDD] should properties get serialized?
41263 [PDD] should/can high-level classes be constructed at compile-time?
41257 [tru64] core dump in t/pmc/io_1.pir
41256 [tru64] NaNQ failures in t/pmc/complex
41255 [tru64] core dump from t/pmc/pmc_5.pasm
41254 [tru64] core dump from library/pg
41253 [tru64] core dump from t/dynoplibs/myops_3.pir
41251 [tru64] core dump from t/pmc/resizablebooleanarray_20.pasm
41249 [tru64] core dump in t/pmc/interp_3.pir
41242 Compile on Linux with Intel C++ and Sun Studio for Linux
17 - 18 weeks old
18 - 19 weeks old
19 - 20 weeks old
20 - 21 weeks old

Overview of Open Issues

Platform           Severity           Tag                      Lang
aix       0        abandoned 0        5005threads   0          Amber    0
All       4        fatal     4        bounce        0          BASIC    1
bsdos     0        High      0        Bug          57          bc       0
cygwin    6        low       1        compiler      0          befunge  0
cygwin_nt 0        medium    0        configure     0          bf       0
darwin    0        none      0        core          0          cola     0
dec_osf   0        Normal    1        dailybuild    0          forth    0
dgux      0        unknown   0        docs          0          jako     0
dos       0        Wishlist  3        duplicate     0          Lisp     0
dynixptx  0                      install       1          m4       0
freebsd   1                           library       0          ook      0
generic   0                           notabug       0          perl6    0
gnu       0                           notok         0          plot     0
HPUX      0                           ok            0          punie    0
irix      0                           Patch        24          pynie    0
irix64    0                           regex         0          python   0
Linux     0                           sendToCPAN    0          ruby     0
lynxos    0                           Todo        288          scheme   0
mac       0                           unknown       0          tcl     85
machten   0                           utilities     0          urm      0
macos     0                           wontfix       0          Zcode    0
MacOS X   0
mswin32   0
netbsd    1
next      0
openbsd   1
os2       0
os390     0
other     0
powerux   0
qnx       0
riscos    0
sco       0
Solaris   1
sunos     0
svr4      0
svr5      0
sysv      0
unicos    0
unicosmk  0
unix      0
unknown   0
uts       0
vms       0
VOS       0
Win32     3

Ticket Status By Version

                                    New or Open                        Resolved


Requestors with most open tickets

Paul Cochrane                 96
Will Coleda                   60
will-parrottodo at 50
Jerry Gay                     38
jerry gay                     35
Joshua Hoblitt                29
Matt Diephouse                27
Leopold Toetsch               26
Chip Salzenberg               20
chromatic                     13


  * Total Issues
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets

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