On Jul 31, 2007, at 10:40 PM, Jerry Gay via RT wrote:

see the 'Makefile' targets in config/gen/makefiles/root.in and

these are the only times i use --step=foo.

I'm glad you pointed these out to me. I was not previously aware of these instances, in large part because I tend to focus on the Parrot filesystem as it exists *before* configuration, when, by definition, these Makefiles and their instances of calling Configure.pl do not yet exist.

i do want to have the ability to script an entire configure session:
that is, pass specific options to specific steps. this could be useful
for cross-compilation (say, compiling on a desktop for a portable

Yes, I recall that you were exploring this option in branch a couple of months ago. What you had worked up then didn't play well with changes that other people made to Configure.pl in trunk. But perhaps after I can wrap my head around runstep() we can re-explore that approach.


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