Mark Glines wrote:
# New Ticket Created by Mark Glines # Please include the string: [perl #44809] # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. # <URL: >
Are there any drawbacks to this patch?  The only thing I
can think of is that its harder to read the .dump file now that it's

I do have some qualms.

(1) I know that there have been issues with incompatibility among different versions of Storable. I myself have been bit by these issues with different versions of Storable distributed with different versions of Perl 5.8 (not to mention 5.6). Some of these issues are alluded to in the POD ( I have never heard such compatibility issues with respect to Data::Dumper. This is not a killer objection, but it should be considered.

(2) Not that I'm opposed to Storable entirely. Hey, I use it in Parrot::Configure::Trace! But there, as in other places I've used it, I've always found I got better mileage by using 'nstore' instead of 'store'.


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