# New Ticket Created by  "Cosimo Streppone" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #49238]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=49238 >

I tried to follow chromatic's instructions to obtain a perl6 binary
but had some problems. I will try to explain them here, along with a
little patch (against r24322) that allowed me to build my genuine
perl6.exe on vista (Yes!)

1) pbc_to_exe Makefile rules don't work on my Win32 system because
perl is invoked with './CFLAGS ... ' instead of "./CFLAGS ...". This
seems to prevent windows "shell" to pass along the compile string
BTW, there's also a "" string inside the './CFLAGS ...'. I saw that
removing it makes no difference... ?

2) in tools\dev\pbc_to_exe_gen.pl I had to add a "close outfh" or
subsequent compile_file() call fails on my system with "permission
denied" error. I suppose it's because it prints on outfh and then runs
compile_file() without closing.
These are only my hypotesis, I don't even know if there's a "close"
pir instructions. Forgive me... :)

3) In the final generated "pbc_to_exe.c" and "languages\perl6\perl6.c"
there's something like:

   int8_t program code[] = { bla bla bla...

int8_t seems undefined on my system (vista + msvc 2008 express), so I
brutally replaced it with "unsigned char" and it worked like a charm.
Again, forgive me for my ignorant and brute force approach, I just
wanted to build that damned perl6.exe thing :)

And finally it worked! And I learnt something along the way,
even if I didn't have the time to understand how pbc_to_exe.c is generated.

Patch against r24322 is attached.


Attachment: win32_msvc_pbc_to_exe.patch
Description: Binary data

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