Andy Lester wrote:
I've started a wiki page for problems with builds/tests that are known to be problems.

This way we have a canonical place to look, rather than wondering "Hmm, did this t/stm/*.t file pass before, or did I break it?"

Can you mention what platform tests were failing on? t/shootout isn't failing anymore on any platform I have access to. It's very slow, but not failing.

There's also a section for past problems that have already been fixed, so we can see about things that were failures in the past, but have since been cleaned up, in case they break again.

I'm hoping that if we all keep it up-to-date, we'll save a lot of needless worry and IRC chatter with problems that are known and being worked on.

Another really good way to deal with this is to always keep all tests passing in trunk. TODO any expected failures, and do significant development in branches. chromatic and I are working on a branch for the PDD 17 development, and I plan to start up a branch for each dev milestone in the next few months. Possibly a little harder on language implementers, as changes come in one monthly hit, but overall less stress for everyone.


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