On Monday 07 January 2008 09:22:43 robby wrote:

> With skimming across the past 400 or so messages on this list I'm not
> exactly sure if this would be the correct list to post this, but I have
> a quick question regarding NCI's and callbacks.
> I've read http://www.parrotcode.org/docs/pdd/pdd16_native_call.htm and
> nci.t and I haven't came up with the answer off hand, so I may be
> missing something, or it may not be possible in pir.
> I have a function I'm wanting to call that is long func(long, long,
> long, callback)
> and a callback with a sig (long, long, long, long).
> While doing callbacks, do I *have* to create a wrapper in C in order to
> use them? In the draft doc noted above it says
> "However, many callback functions share a common signature, and parrot
> provides some ready-made functions for this purpose that should serve
> for most of the callback uses."
> But I think I may be taking it out of context.
> I'm trying to tap into the win32 procs and don't know if I can keep it
> all in pir (which is the goal, because I'd rather port bytecode than c
> code across platforms)
> Am I reading the docs wrong, or is there no functionality to do what I'm
> looking at?

As I understand it, the discussion of callbacks in the docs is about callbacks 
implemented in PIR.  The callback you describe looks like a C function, in 
which case you should be able to get a pointer to it and pass it as a 

Apologies if I misunderstood your question though.

-- c

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