On Sat, 5 Jan 2008, Andy Lester wrote:

> > Can you mention what platform tests were failing on? t/shootout isn't
> > failing anymore on any platform I have access to. It's very slow, but not
> > failing.
> No, I didn't mean that I would maintain it.  I just started a place for people
> to keep notes on, just to get inertia going.
> > Another really good way to deal with this is to always keep all tests
> > passing in trunk.

Yes, though there is the danger that TODO'd tests quickly become
forgotten tests.

> Clearly.  However, since there's been so much lately where that hasn't been
> the case, I figured it made sense to make a central location for reporting
> and/or tracking what's failing, without having to resort to RT tickets.

Would it be easier to just keep a simple file listing "Known Problems"
in t/ ?  t/harness could be taught to refer to that file, if it exists.
There's even a chance it might be kept slightly more up-to-date.

Speaking more broadly, I find parrot's development very scattered.
It's hard to find stuff.  Was it on a mailing list?  on a web page?
Which web page?  launchpad?  some blog site?  perlfoundation.org?
parrotcode.org?  One of the web sites listed in the README file?
Somewhere else? Was it on IRC (which isn't logged anywhere, so discussions
there are lost except to those who happen to be connected at the time)?

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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