Someone looking for basic information about Squaak may have
difficulty finding it.

Below is some text I adapted from the parrotblog tutorial that
might be suitable as a starting point for a README in
languages/squaak.  Feel free to add or modify it as appropriate.


[Adapted from the page -- feel free to update --Pm]

Squaak: A Simple Language

Squaak is a case-study language described in the Parrot Compiler Tools
tutorial at .

Squaak demonstrates some common language constructs, but at the same
time is lacking some other, seemingly simple features. For instance,
Squaak does not have return, break or continue statements (or equivalents
in your favorite syntax).

Squaak has the following features:

    * global and local variables
    * basic types: integer, floating-point and strings
    * aggregate types: arrays and hash tables
    * operators: +, -, /, *, %, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, .., and, or, not
    * subroutines and parameters
    * assignments and various control statements, such as "if" and "while"

A number of common (more advanced) features are missing.
Most notable are:

    * classes and objects
    * exceptional control statements such as break and return
    * advanced control statements such as switch
    * closures (nested subroutines and accessing local variables in an outer 

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