On May 7, 2008, at 10:35 PM, Geoffrey Broadwell via RT wrote:
On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 18:22 -0700, James Keenan via RT wrote:
On Sun Apr 20 19:01:44 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to propose both short-term and long-term remedies.

Short-term:  If you are proposing a new configuration step, or doing
a significant overhaul of any existing step, please post an RT with
the code and with a [TODO] tag several days ahead of time. This will
give people a chance to run it on different OSes right away, without
compromising trunk.  And if I get advance notice of any new config
step, I pledge to work with you to develop tests for that step.

Since I filed this RT, two completely new configuration step classes
have been added -- neither of which was preceded by an RT.  So it is
evident that the committers do not like this suggestion.

I hope that you are not referring to config/gen/call_list here -- I
definitely tried to follow your request. I created my patch only after specifically asking you for anything you wanted from a new config step.

My error.  I was too hasty.  You did follow the procedure I recommended.

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