On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 09:27:18AM -0700, Moritz Lenz via RT wrote:
> Vasily Chekalkin (via RT) wrote:
> > There is implementation of prefix:+, prefix:-, sqrt, exp for Complex.
> I noticed that you put these into the same files as their non-Complex
> counterparts.
> What's the general policy for that? Just like this, and Complex-only
> multis in classes/Complex.pir?
> Or everything into Complex.pir?
> Or everything but the ops in Complex.pir, and ops into builtins/op.pir?

Short answer:  We're still working out the policy for this.  Many operators
were added to Rakudo before we had a clear idea of how classes would be

With the recent class restructures we have a clearer idea than before,
although there are still a few fuzzy areas that will likely remain for
some time.  For the time being I have a general bias towards moving things
out of src/builtins/ and into src/classes/ .

In this specific instance I'd prefer that the Complex operator
definitions go into src/classes/Complex.pir .


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