chromatic wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 July 2008 03:59:05 Moritz Lenz wrote:
>> I'd like to get some feedback on this commit regard platform
>> interoperability.
>> I could only test it on linux, so I'm not sure what could break.
>> (One comment inline in the diff below)
>> > +    if (@to_unfudge){
>> > +        my $u = unfudge_some($file_name, 1, @to_unfudge);
>> > +        system qq{diff -u "$file_name" "$u" >> "$out_filename"};
>> This is the line that troubles me most. Will that work on Windows and
>> MacOS? If not, how could I improve it?
> Mac OS X should be fine (if we assume people have the developer tools 
> installed, without which how did they get this far?).
> With regard to Windows, your best bet might be to require Algorithm::Diff or 
> some other utility.  Certainly that's easier than relying on the presence of 
> any specific command-line diff utility there.

In r29121 I now use Text::Diff instead of the diff command line tool.
Now the tool should be mostly platform agnostic, I'd welcome some
testing from non-linux boxes.

cd languages/perl6/t/spec/
svn up
cd ../../
perl tools/ --auto

Then inspect the file autounfudge.patch. Currently it should contain at
least a diff for t/spec/S02-names_and_variables/perl.t.


Moritz Lenz |

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