On Tuesday 22 July 2008 06:34:13 Moritz Lenz wrote:

> There are actually many problems. For example, if a TCL function returns
> an integer, what will Perl 6 see?

A PMC, which presumably performs the Integer role (in Parrot terms).  If Tcl 
on Parrot doesn't return this, Tcl on Parrot is wrong and bad.

This is why we have PMCs and PMC roles (okay, why we will have PMC roles) and 
especially why we have vtables.

If Tcl decides to reimplement its own data structures and not use vtables and 
PMC roles in the same way as other languages, it will interoperate about as 
well as the prototypical ugly American tourist complaining about Parisian 
traffic on Bastille Day.

I have trouble imagining that any other approach to interoperability works any 
better (and devolves into lesser utter chaos -- maybe I can get a hotel named 
after me for proving the existence of infinite forms of utter chaos).

The fact that tie() works in Perl 5 suggests that this approach works in 
practice.  Where's the problem?

-- c

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