Michael Peters wrote:
Ronald Schmidt wrote:
I've been meaning to update that wiki page to point to the progress we're making toward this. I should also write up how Smolder already accomplishes those goals (well, the ones it does accomplish).

Thanks. If I had noticed that smolder was already in development to fix the issues on the RFP page I would probably have moved on to a different project. I now notice the link to smolder at the bottom of the page, but there is no mention in the page content of smolder's role as a solution to the requirements for better reports.

My system currently fulfills some requirements that do not seem to be handled by your system including:

   * Give me the results of all reports of t/steps/inter_progs-01.t on
     all OS/platform/compiler combinations for the past seven days.

   * Tell me which OS/platform/compiler combinations have been
     smoke-tested in the past thirty days.

It also provides analysis for reports submitted with "make smoke", which continue to be submitted. So I am still interested in suggesting that the wiki page be updated to note both, as you mention, "how smolder accomplishes those goals" as well as a link to my system's reports at "http://www.software-path.com/parrotsmoke";.

Smolder uses TAP, so no need to scrape web pages. And we expose that TAP for download if someone wants to analyze it further with some other tools. It also uses SQLite, so if we decide to move this install over to a TPF owned box (or a box that just has parrot related smoke info on it) we can even expose the SQLite file itself for downloading/quering.
My system uses Mysql but populates the MYSQL database by scraping smoke reports. I agree that processing TAP is a better solution. If you are willing to share the ddl used by smolder I might well be interested in porting some of my reports to your system. Note that the current smoke reports include TAP data and some of my parsing work might be used to put current 'make smoke' reports in your database, if such an effort is felt to be of interest.


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