On Tuesday 05 August 2008 13:14:27 Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:

> > I can see patching the previous release in case of a critical bugfix, but
> > if we get in the habit of encouraging users to expect updates of anything
> > older than the previous stable release for free, we've doomed the
> > project.

> That's why I was careful to say 'one or more'.  As in greater than zero,
> but other than that it's a separate policy decision that I was not
> trying to address in my previous message.

Fair enough.

> > Point releases every month.  Major releases every three months.
> Agree, except I'd like to hear more about how you define a 'major
> release'.

Deprecation takes one major release.  We support the current major release 
(and possibly the previous major release for critical bugs only).

> Half agree.  I agree that we should only *directly* support a release
> for a limited time, though I think the minimum sane time would be "major
> release before current one" -- 3-6 months at any given moment, given
> your above schedule.  In other words, just because we do a new 3 month
> release, doesn't mean we immediately de-support the one we did just 3
> months ago.


> Now, I might argue for a longer direct support schedule than just 'most
> recent + 1', but I think any less than that can't work in real life.

I'm not sure any more of that can work in real life.

> Beyond that, I think we need to explicitly acknowledge that distro
> packagers have a longer schedule to care about.  While we may not
> support them directly, we still need to have a process in place to make
> sure they are notified about critical problems that may apply to
> previous releases, so that they can go back and check/patch their
> versions.  We should also facilitate any process that will help
> different distros to help each other to backport our trunk fixes in a
> timely fashion.
> In short, we don't have to do the hard work for the distros ourselves,
> but we can't leave them out in the cold, either.

I can imagine creating a mailing list for critical update notifications, but 
hold little hope for support from downstream unless the packager happens to 
be a contributing member of the project.

-- c

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