2008/8/3 Reini Urban via RT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> First patch was wrong, this is ok. (conf arg was missing)

And this patch actually implements this feature for 90%. (and or not mult.keys)
Just the parenthesis grouping is missing. (and key (not key))

I'll commit more useful examples later, where I actually need them.
For now just
the root Makefile is changed.
Reini Urban
http://phpwiki.org/ http://murbreak.at/
Index: parrot-svn/lib/Parrot/Configure/Compiler.pm
--- parrot-svn.orig/lib/Parrot/Configure/Compiler.pm
+++ parrot-svn/lib/Parrot/Configure/Compiler.pm
@@ -181,17 +181,41 @@ to '#', C<replace_slashes> to enabled, a
 If the name of the file being generated ends in C<Makefile>, this option
 defaults to true.
-=item conditioned_lines
+=item conditioned_lines and #+(): #-():
-If conditioned_lines is true, then lines in the file that begin with:
-C<#CONDITIONED_LINE(var):> are skipped if the var condition is false. Lines
-that begin with C<#INVERSE_CONDITIONED_LINE(var):> are skipped if
-the var condition is true.  For instance:
+If conditioned_lines is true, then lines in the file that begin with
+C<#+(expr):> are skipped if the expr condition is false.
+Lines that begin with C<#-(var):> are skipped if the expr condition is true.
+For legacy the old syntax #CONDITIONED_LINE(var): and
+#INVERSE_CONDITIONED_LINE(var): is also supported.
+A condition expr may be a single keyword, which is true if a config key is true
+or equal to the platform name,
+or a logical combination or (and expr1 expr2...) or (or expr1 expr2...) or
+(not expr) as in the common lisp reader, 'OR' being the default for multiple keys.
+Multiple keys are space seperated.
+TODO: Keys may also consist of key=value pairs, where the key is checked for
+equalness to the value. Note that values may contain no spaces here.
+TODO: support quotes in values
-  #CONDITIONED_LINE(win32): $(SRC_DIR)/atomic/gcc_x86$(O)
+  #+(var1 var2...) defaults to #+(or var1 var2...)
+  #-(var1 var2...) defaults to #-(or var1 var2...)
+For instance:
+  #+(win32): $(SRC_DIR)/atomic/gcc_x86$(O)
 will be processed if the platform is win32.
+  #-(win32 cygwin): $(SRC_DIR)/atomic/gcc_x86$(O)
+will be skipped if the platform is win32 or cygwin.
+  #+(and win32 glut (not cygwin)):
+will be used on win32 and if glut is defined, but not on cygwin.
 =item comment_type
 This option takes has two possible values, C<#> or C</*>. If present and
@@ -320,12 +344,20 @@ sub genfile {
         if ( $options{conditioned_lines} ) {
-            if ( $line =~ m/^#CONDITIONED_LINE\(([^)]+)\):(.*)/s ) {
-                next unless $conf->data->get($1);
+	    # allow multiple keys and nested parens here
+            if ( $line =~ m/^#([-+])\((.+)\):(.*)/s ) {
+		my $truth = cond_eval($conf, $2);
+		next if ($1 eq '-') and $truth;
+		next if ($1 eq '+') and not $truth;
+                $line = $3;
+	    }
+	    # but here not (legacy)
+	    elsif ( $line =~ m/^#CONDITIONED_LINE\(([^)]+)\):(.*)/s ) {
+                next unless cond_eval($conf, $1);
                 $line = $2;
             elsif ( $line =~ m/^#INVERSE_CONDITIONED_LINE\(([^)]+)\):(.*)/s ) {
-                next if $conf->data->get($1);
+                next if cond_eval($conf, $1);
                 $line = $2;
@@ -425,6 +457,42 @@ sub genfile {
     move_if_diff( "$target.tmp", $target, $options{ignore_pattern} );
+# Just checks the logical truth of the hash value (exists and not empty).
+# Also check the platform name if the hash key does not exist.
+# Recursive, evaluate AND, OR, NOT with multiple keys.
+# Check for key=value, like #+(ld=gcc)
+sub cond_eval {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    my $expr = shift;
+    # TODO: parse parenthesis groups, "(and (not win32) has_glut)"
+    $expr =~ s/[\(\)]/ /g; # currently ignored
+    my @keys = split /\s+/, $expr;
+    my $key = $expr;
+    if (@keys > 1) { # multiple keys: recurse into
+	my $truth;
+	my $op = pop @keys;
+	if ($key =~ /^(or|and|not)$/i) {
+	    $op = lc($key);
+	    $key = pop @keys;
+	}
+	while (!$truth and $key) {
+	    $truth = cond_eval($conf, $key);
+	    if ($op eq 'not') { $truth = $truth ? 0 : 1; }
+	    elsif ($op eq 'and') { $truth = (@keys<1) if $truth; }
+	    $key = pop @keys;
+	}
+	return $truth;
+    }
+    if ($key =~ /^(\w+)=(.+)$/) {
+      return $conf->data->get($1) eq $2;
+    } else {
+      #FIXME: return $conf->data()->exists($key)
+      return exists($conf->data->{c}->{$key})
+        ? $conf->data()->get($key)
+	: $key eq $^O;
+  }
 sub append_configure_log {
     my $conf = shift;
     my $target = shift;
@@ -452,6 +520,6 @@ sub append_configure_log {
 # Local Variables:
 #   mode: cperl
 #   cperl-indent-level: 4
-#   fill-column: 100
+#   fill-column: 80
 # End:
 # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
Index: parrot-svn/lib/Parrot/Configure/Data.pm
--- parrot-svn.orig/lib/Parrot/Configure/Data.pm
+++ parrot-svn/lib/Parrot/Configure/Data.pm
@@ -236,6 +236,32 @@ sub keys {
     return keys %{ $self->{c} };
+=item * C<exists()>
+=over 4
+=item * Purpose
+Check if a Parrot::Configure::Data key exists.
+=item * Arguments
+Name of the key.
+=item * Return Value
+Defined or undef.
+sub exists {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return exists($self->{c}->{shift});
 =item * C<slurp()>
 =over 4
Index: parrot-svn/config/gen/makefiles/root.in
--- parrot-svn.orig/config/gen/makefiles/root.in
+++ parrot-svn/config/gen/makefiles/root.in
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ LINK             = @link@
 LINKFLAGS        = @linkflags@ @link_debug@ @ld_debug@
 LD               = @ld@
 LDFLAGS          = @ldflags@ @ld_debug@
-RECONFIGURE      = $(PERL) tools/dev/reconfigure.pl
+RECONFIGURE      = $(PERL) -Ilib tools/dev/reconfigure.pl
 INNO_SETUP       = iscc
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(darwin):export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET := @osx_version@
+#+(darwin):export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET := @osx_version@
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ NONGEN_HEADERS   = @TEMP_nongen_headers@
     Makefile \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_perldoc):    docs/Makefile \
+#+(has_perldoc):    docs/Makefile \
     compilers/nqp/Makefile \
     compilers/pct/Makefile \
     compilers/pge/Makefile \
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ GEN_CONFIGS = \
     lib/Parrot/PMC.pm \
     runtime/parrot/include/config.fpmc \
     $(SRC_DIR)/platform.c \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(platform_asm):    $(SRC_DIR)/platform_asm.s \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_opengl):    config/gen/call_list/opengl.in \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_glut):    $(SRC_DIR)/glut_callbacks.c \
+#+(platform_asm):    $(SRC_DIR)/platform_asm.s \
+#+(has_opengl):    config/gen/call_list/opengl.in \
+#+(has_glut):    $(SRC_DIR)/glut_callbacks.c \
     $(SRC_DIR)/core_pmcs.c \
     CFLAGS \
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ GEN_CONFIGS = \
     runtime/parrot/include/signal.pasm \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_opengl):    runtime/parrot/include/opengl_defines.pasm \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_opengl):    runtime/parrot/library/OpenGL_funcs.pir \
+#+(has_opengl):    runtime/parrot/include/opengl_defines.pasm \
+#+(has_opengl):    runtime/parrot/library/OpenGL_funcs.pir \
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ GEN_LIBRARY = \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/MIME/Base64.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/NCI/call_toolkit_init.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/ncurses.pbc \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_opengl):    $(LIBRARY_DIR)/OpenGL.pbc \
+#+(has_opengl):    $(LIBRARY_DIR)/OpenGL.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/P6object.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/parrotlib.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/pcre.pbc \
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ INTERP_O_FILES = \
     $(OPS_DIR)/core_ops$(O) \
     $(OPS_DIR)/core_ops_switch$(O) \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(i386_has_gcc_cmpxchg):    $(SRC_DIR)/atomic/gcc_x86$(O) \
+#+(i386_has_gcc_cmpxchg):    $(SRC_DIR)/atomic/gcc_x86$(O) \
     $(SRC_DIR)/builtin$(O) \
     $(SRC_DIR)/byteorder$(O) \
     $(SRC_DIR)/charset$(O) \
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ INTERP_O_FILES = \
     @TEMP_atomic_o@ \
     @TEMP_jit_o@ \
     @TEMP_gc_o@ \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(platform_asm):    $(SRC_DIR)/platform_asm$(O) \
+#+(platform_asm):    $(SRC_DIR)/platform_asm$(O) \
 O_FILES = \
     $(INTERP_O_FILES) \
@@ -484,14 +484,14 @@ INSTALLABLEPDB      = $(CUR_DIR)/install
 # Libraries
 LIBPARROT_STATIC    = @blib_dir@/@libparrot_static@
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(win32):LIBPARROT_SHARED  = @libparrot_shared@
-#INVERSE_CONDITIONED_LINE(win32):LIBPARROT_SHARED  = @blib_dir@/@libparrot_shared@
+#+(darwin):export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH := @blib_dir@:$(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH)
+#+(win32):LIBPARROT_SHARED  = @libparrot_shared@
+#-(win32):LIBPARROT_SHARED  = @blib_dir@/@libparrot_shared@
 # This line controls whether a static or shared library is built
 LIBPARROT           = @libparrot@
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_icu):ICU_SHARED  = @icu_shared@
+#+(has_icu):ICU_SHARED  = @icu_shared@
 ALL_PARROT_LIBS     = @libparrot_ldflags@ $(ICU_SHARED) $(C_LIBS)
 # dynamic extensions
@@ -548,13 +548,14 @@ MAKE = @make_c@
 all : \
     flags_dummy \
+    Makefile \
     $(PARROT) \
     runtime/parrot/include/parrotlib.pbc \
     runtime/parrot/include/config.fpmc \
     docs \
     $(LIBNCI_TEST_SO) \
+#+(has_glut):    $(LIBGLUTCB_SO) \
     $(GEN_LIBRARY) \
     dynpmc \
     dynoplibs \
@@ -617,6 +618,10 @@ PMC2CV = $(PERL) $(BUILD_TOOLS_DIR)/pmc2
 vtable.dump : src/vtable.tbl
+# regenerate the Makefile
+Makefile: config/gen/makefiles/root.in
+	$(RECONFIGURE) --step=gen::makefiles --target=Makefile
 # This is a listing of all targets meant to be called by users
 help :
 	@echo ""
@@ -790,7 +795,7 @@ $(PARROT_CONFIG) : tools/util/parrot-con
 	$(PARROT) pbc_to_exe.pir parrot_config.pbc
 # HLL Executable targets
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(win32):perl6 : $(PERL6)
+#+(win32):perl6 : $(PERL6)
 $(PERL6) : compilers $(PBC_TO_EXE)
 	$(MAKE) languages/perl6 perl6$(EXE)
@@ -868,8 +873,8 @@ check_source : $(GENERAL_H_FILES)
 # so always delete the lib -leo
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_static_linking):  $(LIBPARROT_STATIC) \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_dynamic_linking): $(LIBPARROT_SHARED)
+#+(has_static_linking):  $(LIBPARROT_STATIC) \
+#+(has_dynamic_linking): $(LIBPARROT_SHARED)
 	$(MKPATH) @blib_dir@
@@ -881,7 +886,7 @@ $(LIBPARROT_SHARED) : $(O_FILES)
 	$(LD) $(LD_SHARE_FLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) @[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ @libparrot_soname@ \
 #+(cygchkdll):		-Wl,--out-implib=blib/lib/libparrot.dll.a \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(libparrot_shared_alias):	( cd @blib_dir@ ; ln -sf @libparrot_shared@ @libparrot_shared_alias@ )
+#+(libparrot_shared_alias):	( cd @blib_dir@ ; ln -sf @libparrot_shared@ @libparrot_shared_alias@ )
@@ -1068,8 +1073,8 @@ $(SRC_DIR)/hll$(O) : $(GENERAL_H_FILES) 
 $(SRC_DIR)/platform$(O) : $(GENERAL_H_FILES)
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(platform_asm):$(SRC_DIR)/platform_asm$(O) : $(GENERAL_H_FILES)
+#+(platform_asm):$(SRC_DIR)/platform_asm$(O) : $(GENERAL_H_FILES)
 $(SRC_DIR)/core_pmcs$(O) : $(GENERAL_H_FILES)
 $(SRC_DIR)/trace$(O) : $(GENERAL_H_FILES)
@@ -1260,11 +1265,11 @@ $(IMCC_O_FILES) : $(IMCC_H_FILES) $(ALL_
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_perldoc):docs : docs.dummy
-#INVERSE_CONDITIONED_LINE(has_perldoc):docs : docs.stub
+#+(has_perldoc):docs : docs.dummy
+#-(has_perldoc):docs : docs.stub
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_perldoc):html : html.dummy
-#INVERSE_CONDITIONED_LINE(has_perldoc):html : html.stub
+#+(has_perldoc):html : html.dummy
+#-(has_perldoc):html : html.stub
 	@echo "Perldoc is required, but not detected."
@@ -1460,10 +1465,10 @@ check : test
 # when the needed runcores are available
 fulltest :
+#+(cg_flag):	[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ testC
+#+(cg_flag):	[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ testg
+#+(cg_flag):	[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ testj
 	[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ src_tests
@@ -1575,15 +1580,15 @@ clean : \
     prog-clean \
     dynext-clean \
     languages-clean \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_perldoc):    docs-clean \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(has_perldoc):    html-clean \
+#+(has_perldoc):    docs-clean \
+#+(has_perldoc):    html-clean \
     dynpmc-clean \
     dynoplibs-clean \
     examples-clean \
     imcc-clean \
     compilers-clean \
     smoke-clean \
-#INVERSE_CONDITIONED_LINE(win32):    cover-clean \
+#-(win32):    cover-clean \
 	$(RM_F) chartypes "*.s" "*~"
@@ -2040,10 +2045,10 @@ COVER_DIRS = \
 cover: \
     cover.dummy \
     cover-testb \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(cg_flag):    cover-testC \
+#+(cg_flag):    cover-testC \
     cover-testf \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(cg_flag):    cover-testg \
-#CONDITIONED_LINE(jitcapable):    cover-testj \
+#+(cg_flag):    cover-testg \
+#+(jitcapable):    cover-testj \
     cover-testr \
     cover-testS \
     cover-src \

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