From: "jerry gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2008 07:04:24 -0700

   . . .

   also, if i understand satisfy patrick's use case in pge,

   3) add the ability to select the register allocator used, or disable
   it, within a sub.

   a programmer who knows what he's doing should have the ability to
   disable the register allocator and manage registers himself. the scope
   of the action must be limited to make the intent clear and to ease
   maintenance programming; it must occur at the sub level rather than at
   the file level.


I once suggested a "null register allocator" that would do this
globally, but this is a better idea.  The only use case I can think of
is debugging, particularly of the register allocator, but that's still

                                        -- Bob Rogers

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